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Today's Trade & News

Wednesday metals will move higher and dollar levels...

Metals looks amazing…


Dear Members,

Metals: yesterday precious Metals traded positive as predicted, on Wednesday we see positive trends to continue so stay long as Thursday will be positive day. Base will trade negative so sell more positions in copper and palladium. Buy JNUG. 

Markets: On Tuesday market traded positive. Boeing news is bad, but tech is helping markets. Wednesday most of markets will trade mix, so trade in and out, book some profit on higher side. 

Grains: on Tuesday grains traded very positive which confirms that bull market have started. Add more corn, wheat and soy on weakness. 

Currencies: on Tuesday pound had both sides movements. Buy pound on weakness on Wednesday and Euro as well as IS DOLLAR bear market is started. Emerging markets are performing well, stay long in most of emerging market currencies. Stay away from Yen, Franc, Canadian. Buy some aggressive positions in Ausi. 

Energy; Mix trend to continue in oil, selling is recommended on higher side. Buy gas and UGAZ.

Softs: wait for another two days as coffee is ready to move 20% higher in the next 20 days. 

I am just putting ranges below for today which may help you to make day trading decisions. As stated, you must stay long in precious metals, sell base metals today. Energy, grains and softs will trade mix but close to form bottom.

Dollar weakness will continue.

Cannabis stocks will start making bigger move from here onward so great time to bet on cannabis stocks.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma