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Today's Trade & News

Wednesday recommendations...and trading strategy...

Dear Members,

Buying recommendations in US Dollar Index at 89.31 with predictions that it won’t fall below this level in 2018, and higher side we provided 91.00, 91.98 and 93.43 level. Selling recommendations in most of currencies done very well for currency traders.

Oil prices failing to trade higher, and metals are trading lower. I highly recommend reading this week newsletter, it is most favorite letter for many big guys in Wall-street. One thing I would like to share that 95% my longer-term members kept faith in my work even after last year’s disaster predictions of fall in equity market. I humbly thank you all of you, your support was very important in that crucial stage.

Our most favorite trade, coffee started acting well, must book some profit at 128.00.

Oil prices traded negative, in this week newsletter we recommended selling oil, heating oil and RB Gas. Hold your shorts tightly as big corrections is on the way.

Grains moved higher, higher side profit booking is recommended, don’t short grains at this stage.

Metal prices remained in the negative directions. Gold is at crucial level, and base metals already entered in bear market. Trade in and out, as predicted, stay long in gold or add some more long at $1305 with stop-loss at $1297.00. Remember that medium term astro cycle is very negative for the gold so keep this in mind, we have been stating since last two weeks.

Todays trade: Buy: AMOT, DATA, ESRX, and MASI, these stocks will announce earning and we see moving higher.

Sell: Lumber at $572 to $583 levels with 25% corrections.

Thanks & god Bless

Mahendra Sharma