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Today's Trade & News

Wednesday selling precious was right call but buying is recommended on Thursday & small part of Thursday flashnews...

Dear Members,

I am sure many of you must have read this week’s weekly newsletter again and again because it was the most interesting and important one detail outlook of coming time for metals, energy, indexes and currencies.  

Metals traded as predicted, Tuesday and Wednesday some weakness was predicted in the daily flashnews, we recommended selling precious metals (gold, silver and platinum) on Wednesday at the higher sides which was proven right but at the same time we also recommended to get ready to buy back positions in precious metals from Thursday around the lower side level mentioned in our daily flashnews.

Since the last few weeks we have been mentioning that palladium prices will start going down from Wednesday 25 September, and today palladium lost big value which is a great astro-confirmations of the coming negative trend in palladium.

Wednesday buying was recommended in oil, coffee, cotton and sugar, and these all commodities recovered sharply from the predicted lower levels.

I would love to put a part of the daily and weekly newsletter but paid subscribers feel that I am not doing a fair job because I am putting too much important information out for free so why then should they subscribe, and I respect their viewpoint.  

Small part from Thursday daily flashnews metal sections: On Wednesday as expected precious metals came down from European trading sessions. On Thursday we are expecting rise in precious metals so get ready to buy some positions in gold, silver and platinum around lower side levels mentions in daily flashnews daily ranges.  

On any rise selling is recommended in base metals on Thursday.

Mining stocks may rebound but I don’t see any major mega rally so focus on precious metals rather than stocks.

Important note for Thursday: If precious metal fail to rebound on Thursday and Friday that will be bad news but chances of happening this is very limited.

This is what we stated yesterday: On Tuesday precious metals (gold, silver and platinum) traded positive as predicted. On Wednesday market we are expecting precious metals to move higher, but profit booking will be witnessed on European or USA trading sessions on Wednesday so be aware. We are not recommending any short in precious metals but surely one can book profit as Mars is changing house which may bring some adjustment in price movement cycle.

Buying recommendation in gold at $1281 and silver at $14.51 have really done very well with higher side $1563 and $19.91 which got achieved. Still gold has power to move higher in medium term but that we would like to see Mars impact.  

Precious metals stocks moved higher, base metals traded mix, but palladium tested all-time high.

Now I am waiting of sharpest fall in Palladium which will going to create some panic in base metals. Palladium prices are at $1645 and from today negative astro time cycle is starting.  

I have been predicting that Mars changing house on Wednesday 25th Sep may bring sharp corrections so stay alert and if prices move lower than we may recommend going aggressive short in palladium. I still expect Palladium to test $880 and $578 level on down sides. Higher side testing time is starting from today. If palladium hold value for the next seven day then we may recommend staying sideline or to close short if you have any.

This is what we have been stating: Still we are holding our prediction of buying gold at $1481, silver $17.51, and platinum at $930. On the higher side we see $1563, silver $19.51, and platinum $998 which can be achieved by next week.

JNUG and NUGT will move higher. Great buy in JNUG will be at $52.00 or below levels if it comes there.

Thursday astro combination recommendation – On Thursday we see strong rebound in precious metals (gold, silver and platinum). Stay away from base metals.  

Thursdays trading range: (December 2019 future contract):

GOLD: $1522.00 to $1493.50 Dec (Spot ranges $1515.20 to $1487.00)

SILVER: $18.32 TO $17.55 (Spot ranges $18.31 to $18.55)

COPPER: $262.05 TO $257.05

PALLADIUM: $1623.00 TO $1591.00

PLATINUM: $941.00 TO $907.00 Oct


Astro-cycle and Financial astrology can tell us every move of every market with the great accuracy on daily basis. It is very simple to know future trend because planets influence investors thinking process and then on actions of traders/investors give birth to trend….

Must go to subscriptions page to subscribe daily and weekly newsletter rather than looking for half information’s. With our subscriptions and you will trade with confident on daily basis, weekly and longer-term basis. Investors take huge risk trading market but many don’t pay subscriptions fee to get clear guidance which I don’t understand.  

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma