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Today's Trade & News

Wednesday trend of Oil, gold, market predictions...these US stocks must buy on Wednesday...

Dear Members,

Oil selling recommendations done well, on Wednesday sell more oil position inventory. Stay away from gold and follow our weekly and daily flashnews.

Today you can buy, these stocks will announce earning and we these stocks moving sharply higher by 10% or more: BREW, BLDR, GDOT, EPAM, SINA, SMSI and HDSN.  

Important note: After ending of volatile cycle we clearly see that market is consolidating and getting ready for new higher. In the current month astro cycle is mix and we clearly mentioned our book so stay focus, accumulate frontline stocks like AMZN without fear, NFLX, and MSFT will rock strong on higher sides. WE already predicted MSFT to achieve $125 and AMZN $2000 in this calendar year. Facebook is our less favorite, Apple is far better than Facebook. When market will make top in 2019, FACEBOOK will be our most favorite stock to short. At this stage market to remain strong so we are not recommending any shorts in tech stocks.

Thanks & God Bless


Mahendra Sharma