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Today's Trade & News

Wednesday's Flashnews, Fastest fall of history is on the way..Game is about to begin...

Dear Friends,
Here is Wednesdays update.
Dear Members,
Most important point to be noted: Today after reading astro chart, I saw sharp up move in dollar, down move in metals and fall in stock markets, which will be very fast, and which never happened in the past. I warn investors, banks, traders and institutions to trade carefully around 12 of Oct. This kind of trend never came in the history and will never come again in future coming time at-least in the next five years, so please react quickly as soon as you see weak trend.
In few hours rate decision will come, I know today and tomorrow we are in negative time cycle. in this negative time cycle comment after rate decision will bring new trend in currency markets. Trade carefully. Dollar is at great level and once again we predict three digit for dollar within short period, even if Fed news comes against USD then also after few hours dollar will rebound strongly.
Metats are trading in most uncertain area, watch careful, Yesterdays sell in metals proven profitable and still we recommend to hold shorts in metals, specially copper, as it went down quiet a lot, our next target is $271.20 in this week. Any rise should be taken as selling opportunity in gold and silver after rate decision.
Avoid trading in grains, as we still see weakness but Friday we should be planning to buy small position.
Sell off in treasury bond is on the way around 123.
Soft commodities will fall, coffee, cotton and sugar will have sharp correction in coming days.
Stock markets can trade in volatile sessions, melt down is on the way but still they can show artificial strenght before fastest crash of history take place around 12 of October.
Best trades for the next 24 hours:
Sell currrencies like - Pound, Canadian and Euro and sell copper
Game is about to begain any time around 12 of October and I am sure my followers and members will have fun time from here as time has come to make fotune.
Thanks & GOD BLESS
SHARMA MAHENDRA, Wednesday 7.00 AM