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Today's Trade & News

Wednesday's Flashnews for FOMC, QU3, commodities, currencies and Indexes...

Dear Friends,

Here what we mentioned yesterday for Wednesday flashnews:

Wednesday’s trading range of all major markets

Dear Members,

Yesterday all major commodities were on fire except metals. Grains and soft commodities were up between two to seven percent. Soy, meal, cotton went limit up, and coffee went up $7.00. Dollar was down sharply, stocks were moving higher, as per my knowledge this is a first time metals doesn’t wanted to take part in this kind of bullish day for CRB index.

Anyway, all will be on Ben Bernanke, QU3 expectation is very high, gold, markets and other commodities may move up sharply (higher is still very limited) if Fed announce QU3 but on other hand if Fed disappoint then situation may turn ugly (Specially gold).


Metals have been trading as predicted. Our Astro indicators are very negative for gold, even if QU3 won’t able to help gold, maximum up side will be limited but downside can be huge so can hold sell position.

This is what we mentioned for Monday and same statement is valid for the Wednesday: The higher side for gold is very limited from here, so trade carefully as gold can fall big time. I should be giving you this advice here as the flashnews is only for day trading advice but stay away from gold, and keep selling at the higher side predicted range.

 Sell Gold, silver, platinum and palladium on the higher side. Buy copper at the lower side.

After Fed announcement - If gold break $1611 then next target is $1585, if it break up side then $1647.80 will be higher side.

Here is Wednesday’s range:

GOLD: $1629.75 to $1611.10

SILVER: $28.71 TO $28.01

COPPER: $347.50 TO $339.10

PALLADIUM: $633.00 TO $620.80 

PLATINUM: $1493 TO $1475



This is what we said in yesterday’s flashnews - In the commodity markets we see two great trades. The first one is wheat and the second one is coffee. Keep accumulating call options.

Wednesday’s trading range:

COFFEE: $159.70 TO $155.05

COTTON: $88.80 TO $85.50

COCOA: $2257 TO $2211

SUGAR: $21.90 TO $21.29

ORNAGE JUICE:  $122.55 TO $115.70



Indexes gained sharply, great buying opportunity is one the way in all major markets. Time is coming to load up emerging market stocks.

Fed actions will decide market trend from here onward, but our Astro indicators are not that very position for shorter term. We will recommend buy if S&P come below 1300.

Here is Wednesday’s trading range (These all September 2012 contract):

AUSTRALIAN (Cash) – 4215 to 4175

NIKKEI – 8775 TO 8659

NIFTY S&P (Spot) – 5078 TO 5137

SINGAP0RE (cash) – 2882.7 TO 2850.00

HONG KONG (cash) – 19663 to 19503

CAC – 3150 TO 3112

DAX – 6425 TO 6318

FTSE – 5588 TO 5515

S&P – 1357.75 TO 1341.00

NASDAQ – 2630.5 TO 2591

RUSSELL – 787.50 TO 772.25

DOW – 12838 TO 12665



Grains moved up huge as predicted, hold your position and we may add more on weakness. Wheat is our favorite and it moved sharply higher.

Here is the trading range for Wednesday:

CORN: $621.75 TO $602.25

WHEAT: $659.25 TO $641.5

RICE: $14.63 TO $14.38

SOY: $1450.25 TO $1417.75

SOY MEAL: $431.25 TO $420.00

SOY OIL: 51.25 TO $49.72



Oil, and Treasury bond traded as predicted. Trade in and out in oil, one spike is pending in 30 year bond which we may see later today. 

Wednesday’s trading range:

OIL: $85.68 to 83.39 July contract

NATURAL GAS: $2.73 to $2.54 July contract

TREASURY BOND – 150-02 TO 148-00 (Sep contracts)



We recommended buying Dollar Index around $81.50, yesterday it went down as low as 81.39 and bounce back. Dollar is good buy against Pound, Euro and commodity currencies.

Many big time traders are watching our Indian Rupee call, we predicted 56.20 when it was 48.80. Now we turning around so higher side is very limited and down side it may come back 52.55 so great time to take a trade.

Buy dollar on any weakness.

Wednesday’s trading range (September contract)

DOLLAR INDEX – 81.26 to 82.02

AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR – 1.0150 to 1.0073

CANADIAN DOLLAR – 0.9840 to 0.9765

BRITISH POUND – 1.5798 to 1.5639

EURO – 1.2763 to 1.2618

JAPANESE YEN – 1.2698 to 1.2620

SWISS FRANC – 1.0652 to 1.0529

RUPPEE – 56.03 TO 55.57

RAND – 8.24 to 8.16

Monday our predicted ranges could break, so be careful as Monday is not normal trading day. Read in detail in this week newsletter.

Note: Wednesday all major investment areas (Commodities, currencies & Indexes) will remain in tight range but markets and commodities may fall sharply after Fed Meeting so avoid any short term aggressive position in markets. Our predicting theory (wave/nature and Astro cycle) says no “QU3” or no clear statement from FED.

Our life time membership will expire anytime now, so take advantage of subscribing this service at $59 for the 10 years so you pay $5.90 a year. New rate will be $199.00.

Thanks & God Bless,

Mahendra Sharma

Wednesday 6.00 AM, Mumbai