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Today's Trade & News

Wednesdays flashnews of day trading range...

Dear Friends,

Here is Wednesday Flashnews, I am sure you will enjoy it. Our daily range suddenly became big hit among day trading community. Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

Wednesday trading planning here:

Dear Members,

Constantly we have been recommending staying away from metals until 29 October and keep acquiring position in stocks on weakness. I think you should be following this advise very seriously. Also all major commodities and currency markets are trading in the predicted range and Astro daily trading range is coming fairly accurate so for time being remain short term traders before stable time cycle starts in markets. Once again I would like to advise to any buying in avoid commodities.

GOLD - $1678.90 TO $1643.80

SILVER - $32.59 TO $31.28

COPPER - $338.80 TO $332.30

PLATINUM - $1560 TO $1537

PALLADIUM - $629 TO $609


Wednesday oil will make high and that be shorter term high for oil so great selling opportunity is coming in oil later tomorrow. Wednesday also it will remain in tight range and here December contract trading range.

OIL – $89.65 TO $86.95

NATURAL GAS - $3.73 TO 3.86


Grains traded mix but they may get weaker later from this week, I highly recommend to avoid any new trade. Here is this Wednesday’s range:

CORN – $651.5 TO $638.50

WHEAT – $637 TO $621

SOY BEAN – $1259 TO $1237

RICE – $1639 TO $1611


Yesterday we mentioned that from late Tuesday I great time acquire few of soft commodities and we may see from today that lumber, cotton and coffee will gain momentum. Here is trading range of Wednesday:

COFFEE - $229.90 TO $235.10

COTTON – $100.92 TO 99.80

COCOA - $2619 TO 2555

SUGAR – 28.32 TO 27.72

ORANGE JUICE - $175.10 TO 170.20

LUMBER - $226 TO 234


This is what we mentioned in yesterdays update and proven to be very accurate - Monday all markets fell sharply as Astro cycle indicated this, we recommend taking small buying position on middle of Tuesday in all major markets.

We recommend to book profit on late Wednesday. Current market trending patterns is very volatile so go in and out and yes longer term position you can buy as call options. Here is Wednesday’s trading range:

AUSTRALIAN - 4173 TO 4255

NIKKEI – 8895 TO 8723

HONG KONG - 18493 TO 18078

CAC – 3218 TO 3123

DAX - 6028 TO 5918

FTSE – 5512 TO 5378

S&P - 1232 TO 1208

NASDAQ – 2371 TO 2329


Currencies traded both side very volatile. Here is range for Wednesday. We recommend accumulating dollar around lower range for Thursday and Next week. Pound will remain positive but great time accumulates sell position in Yen.

US DOLLAR INDEX – 77.01 TO 77.71

AUSTRLAIN DOLLAR – 1.0238 TO 1.0111

CANADIAN DOLLAR – 0.9897 TO 0.9765

BRITISH POUND – 1.5798 TO 1.5618

EURO – 1.3812 TO 1.3689

JAPANESE YEN – 1.3088 TO 1.2981

SWISS FRANC – 1.1187 TO 1.1089


This week mentioned in yesterdays flash and proven to be very accurate. Note – Cover shorts in market by end of Tuesday, buy soft commodities and rest other commodities and currencies should be traded in and out as pre predicted range.


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

Tuesday 7.15 PM Santa Barbara