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Today's Trade & News

Weekly letter and flashnews services discount offer....

Dear Members,

Monday and Tuesday were most positive days as per astrological combinations for metals, and metals traded mix. From Wednesday onward which is today to Friday gold and silver will remain in trading range. This week gold range will be……..

Oil and base metals will follow stock markets, so they will remain positive. In this week newsletter we recommended buying copper and one can hold position as it may move to $428.

We recommended buying around $3.83 to $3.87 in Natural gas, today it is up more than 3.5%, hold your position in gas. Our next target for gas is $4.55.

In this week newsletter we mentioned that S&P will reach 1350 by yearend, so keep buying S&P on any weakness. This week it can move to 1242 and buy it if it comes to 1209.

Avoid grains, they may show some weak sign at this stage but longer term Astro indicators are very bullish so we wait for opportunity of buying on weakness.

Soft commodities are trading positive. Two weeks back we recommended buying coffee around $234 and now it is trading around $287 so one can book profit in it. Now time to accumulate cotton and cocoa.

Currencies will trade in narrow range before they take any one direction from here but Astro chart for US Dollar giving very clear sign that it will move up with S&P. I will come out with currencies details predictions in next week newsletter.

This week I will be completing 44 year and every year on my birthday I give discount offers on our subscriptions, this year I again I am giving 50% discount on weekly newsletter and flashnews. Maximum you can subscribe one year only, one year subscription will give you extra six months for free so total you will get 18 months subscriptions.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma