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Week's Weekly Newsletter, No shipping cost of book "2012 Financial Predictions" buy from Thursday..

Dear Friends,

Here is last week’s newsletter for you to review. I am sure you will get an idea of what we are talking about for medium and longer term.  You will see PDF FILE and S&P outlook below here.

From Thursday we are coming out with great deal for book and that is: there will be free shipping for “2012 financial Predictions”, I am trying my best so this book can reach to as many people as possible.

 Next three years will be the most exciting time in the history of Wall-Street. I think even the best three years in the last 120 years.

Wrong predictions:

Dollar rise- dollar is still struggling

We expected gold and silver to move sharply higher from 15 March 2012 but still both these metals are struggling. The last three trading sessions are over and still both these metals are struggling to move up. Globally, the metal community is watching our metals rising predictions very closely. We still believe that silver reaching $42.50 and gold $1823 by end of April prediction may come true. Gold at $1637 and silver $31.70 is good buy.

Accurate predictions - In the last fifteen years our best ten predictions; if investors could have followed seriously then they could have made a fortune:

1.     Tech bubble (1997-1999), predicted in 1996

2.     Tech crash of (2000), predicted in end of 1999

3.     Dollar fall, and buying Euro at 0.83 and predicted should reach 1.38, predicted in 2001

4.     Gold, silver, copper, platinum rise to multi fold, predicted in 2000/2001 in our books, website, GATA and many world renowned websites and media are witnessed. In fact our target was gold to reach $1600 and silver $50 when gold was $273 and silver $4.38.

5.     Oil reaching $100, predicted when it was $16.80 in 2000/2001

6.     Problem in housing and banking industry, predicted in 2005 (bit early)

7.     March 2009 call bottom of market, you can hear radio interview of Jack on our website

8.     2010 coffee bull market

9.     2010/11 European crises, crash of Swiss Franc

10.                         In 2011 October predicted S&P to bottom out and to start historic bull market with Japanese Nikkei


The PDF file of last week’s Weekly Newsletter From 12-16 MARCH 2012:

This link is for S&P reaching 1407, 1600 and then 3200: Two months back we predicted the Apple stock to target $2000 to $3000 in the next three years. Everyone must hold this stock in their portfolio.


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

Tuesday 10 AM, Santa Barbara CA