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Where is Humanity...from 18 book "2023 Financial Predictions" book which uses financial astrology cycles to predict monthly every markets movements..


Hate has been rising globally among religions, which is not healthy for the overall social structure of the society in which we live. Tools of religion are occasionally used very easily to manipulate people because it is an emotional connection. Unfortunately, a very small number of people are trying to promote humanity and a one-world ideal. 

Look at what is happening in Iran. The hijab represents religious identity. Apart from that, it doesn’t represent humanity or anything else. Religious and political leaders are focusing more on these things rather than an individual’s humanity, peace, or love. They are trying to control people’s lives and freedom. A time is coming when most of the religious and political leaders are not able to steer the younger generation in the right direction; instead, they will be thrown out or they will be incarcerated. There is no tolerance for opposition against governing bodies, and that impedes an individual’s basic freedoms.

Politicians and religious leaders must bring modernity or new changes in their religious system rather than keep the same archaic religious practice. We have exacted much change in the last hundred years, but we are still not able to modify religion to fit the modern world’s parameters. Yes, they can manipulate uneducated or poor people, but not those who are progressive and want to know the valid reasons for any religious practice. It looks like the time is coming when people will start to move away from the traditional old religious system and will adopt a new way of leading their lives. Either that or they will just leave religion behind and move forward where they see humanity, love, and respect. Religious leaders are in a race to prove that their religion is superior to all others, but that is not the case. All religions are equal because we as humans are the same physically. Nature gave birth to us before we even invented the religious system. God and religion are two different things; religion teaches us the best way to lead our lives in society peacefully under harmony as one family. God is a creator who is part of the five elements, and because of the five elements, we are alive. Air, water, fire, earth, and the sky: nothing is bigger than this. Religion is just an ideology that is created by humans, but all the elements were not created by us; they were there in nature before we even existed. Nature provided us with our bodies, with all parts and organs. Nature also provided us with sentience and the high-processing power of the human brain to make decisions, and souls and emotions to feel and express our feelings. The brain is the most unique organ we have which manages our life by giving all its instructions to the physical body (take food, sleep, go to the toilet) as well extra whatever we want to do in our daily routine Karmic path. Everything else is handled by nature, and the brain follows the rules of nature. The brain follows the instructions of our animalistic instinct and processes our emotions/reactions, creating what we call the heart and soul. A soul becomes pure when you surround yourself with spiritual knowledge and awareness of the vast universe around you. One’s soul can be impacted by hedonistic tendencies, inclinations toward volatile emotions, etc. which lead to criminal activity and unethical/immoral thoughts and behaviors. That awareness, however, is key. If we are not aware, then our emotions can lead us in any direction: good or bad. If we adopt a bad path, then the brain can play the role of a culprit to commit any kind of crime. That’s the reason why learned men (good spiritual people or religious leaders) tell us to bring awareness to ourselves and our innermost subconscious, so we can always do good karma or the right thing. 

I have talked many times about this subject, and I don’t want to talk about it more at this stage, but the time is coming soon when I will truly indulge. Follow whatever practices you want, but the most important thing is to foster humanity, love, and peace within you. 


From 2043, a very interesting Astro time era is starting. If we don’t modernize religion to the current advancements of society, then religion and religious practice will be in danger because people will start moving away from them. They will adopt humanity, love, and peace; helping each other because that is the real way to lead a life. All the Gods will be happy because they will witness our growth as human beings through every particle of energy, light, and matter in this ever-expanding universe.

This above part is taken from chapter Humanity, page no 4. from book 2023 Financial Predictions.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma