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Today's Trade & News

Why our view is still so bearish on gold, silver for medium term...oil, grains and softs are supporting CRB index but USD and stock market telling us different story..

Dear Members,

I have been constantly negative on gold and silver’s outlook for the medium and longer term. In the short-term we have been able to provide great trading opportunities in our weekly and daily newsletter. In this year, twice we recommended a great sell opportunity at $1295 level in the month of April and June. With short covering at $1225.

Overall our view on gold is still very negative since September 2011 when gold was at $1905 and HUI index was at 621. We recommended the gold community to get out 100% from metal stocks and physical gold and silver position. Since then we recommended buying only few times for the short period and because still our longer term astro cycles are the showing worst time ahead and we have been recommending not to buy metal in portfolio for the medium and longer term. Yes, we recommend short term buying and selling trading in our daily and weekly newsletter.

Gold hasn’t done much since May 2013; gold was at $1388 and still gold is struggling to hold even $1250 level.

I am still holding the prediction of Gold moving toward $875 and silver $9.88 level, and if this happens than mining stocks will crash towards decades lows.

In 2001, hardly one was bullish for gold when I came out with the prediction of gold hitting $1800 and silver $50.00. Lately in the last 10 years, thousands of analyst came in once gold became a hot commodity because hardly any analysts were able to guide correctly on gold’s move for the medium and longer term. I simply remained sideline in my advice since 2011 and recommended investors to put money in tech and biotech stocks, which did wonders for members.

Please meditate, and value your money as well as capital so don’t invest on random advice. Sometimes it is better to remain sidelined, and if you can afford my letters then subscribe to it because I never write something with hate or love. I lost hundreds of metals subscribers since 2012 because I started writing negative about metals and gold bugs hated me because I was recommending selling and shorting metals. I could have kept writing positive about metals to gain more members but I don’t write against what my astro cycles tell me because I would be cheating myself and my study to gain members.

The same thing is happening with market predictions; my view was very positive for the market from March 2009 to March 2017. Since March, I have not been recommending buying - in fact I have been recommending buying put options in the market from July 2017 onwards and bull hated my predictions. My members those who have been making money on my bullish calls have now started laughing at me and saying that the market will keep moving higher.

Bull traders lost a fortune after 2011 in metals going against the astro cycle, and bull traders in the market will lose a fortune after July 2017 going against the bear market predictions.

I simply predict what I see in the coming time without hate or love. If you can afford to buy services then buy my weekly or daily letters at least until October 2017 because we are heading towards a historic crucial time. This week’s weekly newsletter is the most important for every investor so read it if you can afford.

I wish I could put my newsletters for free on my site but nature doesn’t allow me to do that, because I must respect my Daily Karma-Path, and one has to pay fees to get results because free services won’t provide you the results as that is the law of nature.

I hope you understand my view point - it is my honest note, what I mentioned above.

From last week’s weekly newsletter and daily Flashnews:

·        Last week oil was in our buying list $42.65, at same level we recommended covering 100% short positions in oil. Our first target on higher side was $46.78 level which was achieved today.

·        Precious metals were in selling list but base metals were in buying list.

·        Buying was recommended in coffee at $118, sugar $12.71, wheat $455, Corn $365, Soy at $912 and soy meal at $295. All these trades done very well, in fact wheat went more than 20% higher in the last three trading sessions.

·        Thirty year selling was recommended at $157 to 158 level, Bond prices lost big value and came closer at 153/154 level which was our short-term target to cover shorts.

·        Dollar Index was in selling list, in fact it has been in selling list since 103.75 level. Watch 95.55 level closely now.

·        S&P and NASDAQ failing to move above 2437 and 5848, these both levels are our selling levels but we need to watch this week carefully.  

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma