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Why should make money in current time - Small part from last week weekly newsletter..

Weekly Newsletter of 13-17 April 2015


Dear Members,

All these years it has been the most interesting journey with you. My job was and is to guide you about the most uncertain unpredictable market which changes directions even on the smallest of news or events. Most of our members are more educated than us, they have greater knowledge of the markets and are so intelligent that they tracking our theory and adding it to their system and empowering their decisions on investment.

It is not possible for the common man to add our theory because they might not even see value of it. I was just thinking that it is simply your decision to choose what service you want to use and you had the vision that our service might add great value to your decision making. Many have also had bad experiences a few times in past like in 2006 when my guiding ability was off track but they adjusted my error and with their own ability went above me. Everything is hidden in the brain and how you fine tune it is purely dependent on you.

My job has been guiding and educating you on what we see in our theory and your job should be to adopt the best strategy and to take the maximum advantage. A few people says that Mahendra, now machines are making trading decisions but they forget that machines are made by humans. They can include whatever date and technical tools that are available out there to create the best decision making software but they still cant update human behavior pattern and ongoing emotions.  Nobody can predict how the human behavior pattern and emotions will be tomorrow. Yes, nobody except the astro cycles can guide us on how we will be thinking tomorrow. When the fear cycle is strong, investors will sell on any small news and on the other hand when a positive astro wave is running then investors wont get afraid and they will be buying and the market can move higher even on negative data. 

Birth of most powerful cycle took place in 2009 on March 6 which we saw market entering in longer term bull wave. In 2012 August we clearly mentioned that Saturn and the North Node combinations will be so strong that it will support speculators and risk taker. Big guys will be controlling the market and they will take this market higher and higher until 2016. We also mentioned that those who will fear wont be able to make money in this bullish cycle and those who show no fear will make a fortune from 2012 to 2016. Yes, this statement proven very right, those who believed in this market made money and those who remained skeptical missed the greatest money making opportunity.

Making Money: We are all working hard in this market to make money, and if we cant make money in such a great smooth rising cycle then I dont think we can make money ever. Making money is not a bad thing, meaning of making money represent that your venture and your idea was accepted and positive results of what is doing; it is purely the vision of doing things in the right way with the wave and the end results automatically “make you money, get you success or makes you satisfy (they are all same).

You can create a fortune, and it is time to write history in the next two years. Our theory has been very accurate since the last 20 years and we feel that we have done enough testing because each test of the astro cycle provided great accuracy. We strongly believe that now one should start thinking about making serious money or creating boundless wealth here if you havent made enough in the last twenty years or lately in the last three years by following our work. Now it is time for you to make enough money in the next two years and if you haven’t made enough and have some commitment like, finish all your loans and all other commitments so that you can enjoy the rest of your life. Do what you always wanted to do without harming anyone; visit places where you always wanted to; or buy whatever you always wanted to. It is one life and you should justify with it by fulfilling its reasonable desire, and when you fulfill your demands then you will find yourself complete and satisfied.

Our theory indicates that we have two very bullish years for the market, and we should plan them well so lets start from this week if you have remained skeptic in the recent year on investment decisions.

Opportunity to make money are limitless in this market, so please plan your investment strategy well and we are sure you will do very well in creating wealth. USA corporates are doing great, they are loaded with cash, and they are buying back their own stocks and this will make the stocks more expensive in the coming time because there wont be much supply. Investors will have to pay higher prices if they want to part of Apple, Disney or many other name.  We see a very bullish two years for equity market, and we strongly believe that in the next two years S&P will easily touch 3200 and may even move towards 5000. Dow Jones is ready to go from 35000 or higher.

I don’t know how many of you are following our Daily stock report, but this report has created many millionaires in the last two years. One of my most favorite stock HZNP went sharply higher from $3.50 to $27.00 and most of the tech and biotech stocks went up crazily in multi folds. If you like to invest for the shorter, medium and longer term then you must subscribe to this service. In the last quarter our most favorite was AMOT, and we strongly recommended at $12 and now it is at $35.00.

Last week we added five top picks of 2015 and we are adding one very small company in buying list of 2015 which FVRG. One can take buying positions in this one at $1.25 with minimum target of $10.00. 

Here is this week’s newsletter with the trading strategy from 13-17 April 2015