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Today's Trade & News

Why we mentioned go aggressive long in market when S&P was is Wednesdays daily flashnews

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Dear Members, 

Here is Wednesdays Daily flashnews. I am not trying to be egotistical or prideful here but I get frustrated when every single day I hear the financial media saying “No one can predict future...” They say no one saw this sharp fall in oil; they say no one saw this aggressive upmove in USD in 2014; they say no one saw S&P reaching 2000 in 2014 and the list goes on. What they fail to recognize is that our theory predicted all these trends and have able to predict all major trend since 1996.  

One can subscribe all major services for a week at low rates to try out that our services works for you or not. New rate for all major one week services will be announced on Sunday which shall be 20% higher.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma