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Today's Trade & News

Why we predicted aggressive bull market from 17 October and how much higher this market will go from here...Every investors must read this week's weekly newsletter for metals, markets, currencies, energy, grains, softs, bonds...

Dear Members,

For the last three weeks, we have been mentioning in our weekly and daily news that the market to start moving aggressively higher from 17 October, same as we mentioned in our book “2022 Financial Predictions” in the current running cycle.

In the last week’s weekly letter, we mentioned metals to rebound from Friday and the dollar failing to move above the 113.86 level came accurate.

Last week’s weekly newsletter was one of the most important letters I ever published because many members were worried about S&P going to 3230 and they wanted details of why my theory is still predicting S&P going to news high.

We have published a detailed outlook of the market from here, and also published the secret Astro wave cycle chart of 2023, which we only published twice in the last three decades. One week back buying recommendations in S&P at 3496 and 10451 on Nasdaq was one of the best calls, let's see whether both these indexes achieve our targets or not on higher sides.

Here is a PDF file of this week’s weekly newsletter, update, and news sections members can click the below link to read the letter, or you can subscribe to the update and news sections at $199 for a month if you wish to.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma