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Today's Trade & News

Yesterday, today and tomorrow - METALS, OIL, CURRENCIES

Dear Members,
PLANET GAME ABOUT TO BEGAIN, GET READY. I will confirm in next 24 hours that is silver will really fly like rocket? and if yes, than in how many months and what price, TOMORROW I WILL ANNOUNCE.
Got up at 4.00 and did my meditation and now at 5.15AM in beautiful morning I decided to write for you. Fall came 24 hours before the predicted time and this forced me to change my short term out look on metal as you all know that I stated weak trend in metal from today so now my short term outlook changed.
Metal came down quite fast yesterday without any reason (astrologically).
According to this week newsletter, I was expecting three percent down in gold prices and four percent down in silver and it happened today but one day advance. Many might be upset with this because I missed in guiding accurately by 24 hours.
At this point my advice is hold your investment, those who sold should buy back immediately because it looks like that the fall which I was expecting during week for five days is over in one and half day (today) and a strong rise should start any time in gold and silver BUT DON'T FORGET WORLD VOLATILITY. At the time I am writing this prediction gold is at $410.50 and silver is at $6.77 and I predicted both side volatility means prices can also be rise strongly from here but those who doesn't want to trade should avoid next 48 hours because I clearly warn weak heart metal investor's in my newsletter.
By today evening major volatility in metal will over. According to my calculation metals should stabilize by next Monday morning. Last week and this week I warn short term on copper and today it fell more than 10%, now one can buy copper at $132. Please be careful in trading, long term investor's has nothing to worry in metals.
I SEE A VERY STRONG RISE IN CURRENCIES LIKE J. YEN, B. POUND, AND EURO (if they fall during this week than it is not good sign but this won't happen).
Stock market is ready to collapse in big way.

I am reminding again a few points from my newsletter (but nothing to worry because negativity is over except some volatility will remain, may powerful investor's group want to through out small investor's from metal market):



The last hour of Wednesday’s trading will be the right time to get out partly from gold and gold stocks positions because I expect it to undergo major volatility on either side for the next five to six trading days. Indeed, it is only the very lucky investors who will make gains in short term or day trading. If you however want to try your luck or establish how lucky you can be, then this will the period to put your luck to the test.


From the current level, the price range could be three percent lower to five percent higher.



Silver prices will also stay volatile from Wed till Friday and my advice is that you stay out of it. 


For the lower side, silver could slide four percent in the middle of the week and scale upwards by four percent.


Though millions could be made in gold and silver during this period, the weak hearted should avoid to long or short for the next 10 days. This week planets are giving bothside indication in metals so trade carefully as we may see too much price fluctuation in intraday high and low.

Astrologically next 24 hours are very complicated and planetary combination will confuse investor's but I will do my best to guide you so expect another update from me today evening or tomorrow morning. Please don't hesitate to ask any question if are confuse with my English.
Thanks & God Bless
13 Oct 2004, 05.15am