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Today's Trade & News

Yesterdays warning proven right..Here is Monday's trading range & strategy for commodities, Indexes and currencies...

Flash News – Day Trading News

Monday’s Daily-Flashnews

Dear Members,

Last week we were very much concerned about metals, stocks and energy trends. Slowly markets started falling. Especially large cap stocks in USA started moving down sharply like something big is coming. Many smart big guys feel that Republicans may not be good for the market because so far Bernanke, whose policies have saved the world from getting into worst crises, will be removed from position.

Also on other side Microsoft and GE results created sudden question mark on growth; many experts feel that demand is slowing down. A stock like Chipotle which is supposed to do well is falling apart. Google, Apple and Priceline falling from high so surely a big sum of money is out from the large cap. Mid-cap and small cap stocks are still holding well but if markets underperform then these stocks will fall as well.

We highly recommend reading the weekly newsletter a few times because it is important as our weekly newsletter always gives an insight into our feelings of where we see all different financial instruments heading for, and what the trend will be from here for the short, medium and longer term!

In last week’s letter we clearly mentioned that uncertainty is coming for the next two weeks, we recommended holding cash in hand due to short term negative planetary movements which shall end this week Thursday.


This is what we mentioned last week so on lower side we may recommend buying. At this stage sell on side predicted daily range. Monday we may see the weakness continuing in precious and base metals so sell on higher side predicted price. Don’t buy at lower side predicted range; yes you can cover short.

This is what we mentioned last week: Metals went down on Monday but still Gold closed above $1737 and silver $32.42. If they start trading below these levels then we may get bit concern. We will strongly recommend buying in precious and base metals after next nine days passes smoothly. Currently just trade in and out, but with stop loss. We don’t see gold going below $1690 and silver $31.29 in the 2012, so lower side is limited. Once again our reminder is don’t do hurry in taking buying trade.

Here is Monday’s range (All December contract):

GOLD: $1730.90 to $1715.90/$1708

SILVER: $32.32 TO $31.73/$31.32

COPPER: $365.90 TO $360.50

PALLADIUM: $630.80 TO $615.20  

PLATINUM: $1629 TO $1601.20



This week we see coffee, cotton and cocoa trading positive. Buy all these three soft commodities as these will be great commodity trades.

This is what we stated on Friday: One can book partly profit in lumber and cotton. In this week newsletter we clearly stated that from late Thursday we may see positivity in coffee, so time to acquire some position in it. Avoid other soft commodities.

Monday trading range:

COFFEE: $163.40 TO $159.10

COTTON: $77.88 TO $75.95

COCOA: $2519 TO $2462

SUGAR: $20.48 TO $19.95

ORANGE JUICE:  $114.80 TO $111.10



We won’t recommend any buying at this stage. Yes, it will be interesting to see if S&P starts trading below 1418 or not. If it starts trading below 1418 or close below 1418 then we can see the below mentioned range. Asian, Emerging and European markets will trade weaker.

This is what we mentioned last week: In the last two months S&P went to 1463 on higher side and came down sharply from that level. Our higher side intermediate call was 1463 and lower side 1418. S&P have been hanging around between these levels.

This week bit crucial as per our weekly newsletter, it looks very difficult of S&P holding 1418, if it breaks 1418 it may go to 1389. We don’t see SP trading below 1373 in the pending two and half months of 2012. 

Monday trading range (September 2012 contract):

AUSTRALIAN (Cash) – 4590 to 4542

NIKKEI – 9030 TO 8910

NIFTY S&P (Spot) – 5683 TO 5618

SINGAP0RE (cash) – 3038.00 TO 3020.00

HONG KONG (cash) – 21528 to 21193

CAC – 3479 TO 3497

DAX – 7365 TO 7279

FTSE – 5859 TO 5801

S&P – 1435.75 TO 1417.25

NASDAQ – 2697.5 TO 2650

RUSSELL – 821.25 TO 809.75

DOW – 13359 TO 13205



This week grains look far better than other commodities like (oil & metals). Buy corn on any weakness, also other grains will trade stable so don’t keep shorts in the grains.

Monday’s trading range (December contracts):

CORN: $770.75 TO $753.50

WHEAT: $884.00 TO $859.75

RICE: $15.15 TO $14.84

SOY: $1548 TO $1518.75

SOY MEAL: $468.30 TO $460.30

SOY OIL: 52.25 TO $51.01



We are sure you must have taken sell position in oil as we are expecting some weakness from here onwards and prices may reach $83.30, next support is at $78.90. 

Natural will trade mixed on Monday, so trade and in out.

Short term recovery will come in Treasury Bond; a great selling opportunity is coming so wait for our selling indications. Trade in and out in the Thirty Year Bond.

Monday’s trading range:

OIL: $91.59 to 89.12 (Dec)

NATURAL GAS: $4.01 to $3.86 (Dec)

TREASURY BOND – 148-05 TO 147-01 (Dec)



Last week we strongly recommended buying USD and we are sure that many of you must be holding position in dollar Index or buying dollar against other currencies. Those who don’t have position in USD must take trade in USD against emerging market currencies, British Pound, Euro and Australian dollar.

Yen trade provided great returns during last week. Now stay away from Yen or trade in and out.

Monday’s trading range (December Future contract).

DOLLAR INDEX – 79.97 to 79.50

AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR – 1.0302 to 1.0201

CANADIAN DOLLAR – 1.0089 to 1.0001

BRITISH POUND – 1.6041 to 1.5901

EURO – 1.3038 to 1.2932

JAPANESE YEN – 1.2637 to 1.2570

SWISS FRANC – 1.0812 to 1.0728

RUPPEE – 54.29 TO 53.60

RAND – 8.72 to 8.61


Avoid any position on weakness in commodities. We highly recommend reading our weekly newsletter very carefully. We received few emails last week from very reputable research groups of Wall-Street stating that our weekly Newsletter services is one of the best predicting services, they also said that in the last thirty years of their researching carrier they never came across this kind of a service. Unfortunately we are not able to put their name out but we humbly say all appreciation should goes to ASTRO/wave of nature theory.

Stocks, energy Precious and base metals may struggle, don’t buy metals and stocks until Astro indications are clear.

Thanks & God Bless,

Mahendra Sharma,

Sunday, 21 Oct, 02.30 PM, Santa Barbara