Just released the “2024 Financial Predictions” book by Mahendra Sharma. This is his 18th book which has detailed monthly predictions for the USA and global market, most commodities like metals, grains, energy, and soft. The book also covers a detailed monthly outlook for all major currencies, Bond markets, and Bitcoin.

His view on AI stocks is very bullish. In 2012 Mahendra Sharma recommended buying NVDA at $5.00 and AMD at $3.75, and still, he is recommending holding long positions. As per his book predictions, NVIDIA should test $775, and MICROSOFT $550 in 2024.

The book also covers a detailed outlook on Bitcoin, he predicts it will test the $61188 level in 2024.

In the 2023 Financial Predictions book, he predicted S&P to reach 4788 and NASDAQ 16778 which was achieved.

The book will guide investors on a monthly basis, and it is one kind ever released.

Thank you





Mahendra Sharma

For over 30 years, Mahendra Sharma has been accurately predicting and has proven himself to be a stock market astrologer. Mahendra’s predictions consistently outperform stock market prediction software. His successful predictions have spanned the globes, ranging from correctly identifying and stock market trends, upswing in uranium prices, weather reports to support grain growth in Australia and South America, the European debt crisis, as well as the rise in the Swiss Franc and the Yen.