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Today's Trade & News

Here is small part from todays are trading both side in ranges as predicted...

Dear Members,

Why I have been recommending to stay short term trading now, as both side prices are achieving every single day as predicted in the daily flash news. If you still unaware about Daily flashnews then go to subscriptions page and see sample. It is most popular service for day trader. Here below is small part from first sections of today’s flashnews.

Daily flashnews is sent out 12 hours before markets open or one before Asian market open's. Cost of daily flashnews is $18.00 and that money you can make in most smallest trade. You can try out one week services if you wish subscribe then click here:

Wednesdays Daily Flashnews (Unedited report)

Market lost value on Tuesday as expected…


Dear Members,

I am sure many of you must have book profit on Monday and as well as Tuesday as we predicted market to have profit booking on Tuesday. Wait for our indications before you buy back positions in markets so wait for alert.  So, far in 2018 we have been able to predict moves and ranges correctly, we also able to guide very accurately on other markets and we happy about that because we would like to have accuracy like this. 

We recommended buying S&P at 2550 with target of 2795, which got already achieved on Monday, and now lower sides 2705 to 2695 is level of take some small positions and add some more on every 10 points lower. We stated that 2651 will be great level to take some aggressive buying positions in market.  

On other hand we are expecting positive trend in precious metals as predicted in weekly newsletter from Wednesday. We recommended to buy precious metals on Tuesday lower sides and we are sure we have must have bought some positions as Thursday and Friday we are expecting big move on positive sides in precious metals.

Dollar Index gained value as expected, dollar to remain in positive trend but book some profit around 91.00 level. Euro lost big value. Pound recommended selling at 1.4425 with target of 1.3725 which shall achieve soon, Euro shall also move toward 1.2125 and 1.2025 level in the next few trading sessions. 

Stay away from energy, softs and grains. Thirty Year bond trading around 143-00 level.

UVXY gained value, now next profit booking level is around at $18.00 level.

Cobalt and lithium stocks traded negative after Morgan Stanley made commend of prices of both these metals to fall 45% in 2021. I liked this joke of Morgan analysts because in 2008 they predicted oil top move toward $200 when it was $142 and on other hand we predicted $32.00, which achieved in the less than four months. I am starting “Lithium, Cobalt, Metal and Natural Resources” monthly letter.  

As predicted Moon and north node combinations brought uncertainty in market on Tuesday and on Wednesday this same uncertainty will continue.

DPW is our favorite pick in Crypto area but also watch or take some buying in TERM on Wednesday.

I humbly request not to share the book predictions or newsletter with non-subscribers. Surely you can tell them about our work, and let them the make decision about whether they would like to subscribe to it or not. I still believe that a $351 investment by buying a complete copy of the “2018 Financial Predictions” or in $99, $151, and $199 for different sections of the book is worth every penny if you trade or invest in the market, especially with the risks that people take in trading and investing.

Check out all different sections of book which you can buy individually each sections rather then buying whole book. Now metals, energy, currencies, USA and Global stock market, Crypto currency, and Indian market (which has metals, Indian market and Rupee).

 This is what we stated yesterday: To get a complete feel of 2018, the 2017, was very simply a year with a bullish trend, if you have bought market, crypto currency, energy and base metals then you did well without using much of your brain and logic. 2018 on the other hand will be a completely different year. I highly recommend reading “2018 Financial Predictions” book line by line to get a complete feel of 2018 of markets, commodities and currencies. Many readers have the habit of jumping directly to the chapter they are interested in but don’t make this mistake this time. Even if you are metal trader you must-read the dollar section, what other commodities will be doing, and what the market’s and crypto’s trend will be, so please read the book in detail.

The Indian market is our favorite one in 2018, so stay long in Indian market ETF’s and stocks.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma