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Today's Trade & News

Metals, energy and currencies are trading as predicted...don't try to find bottom at this stage...must buy financial astrology book...

Don’t try to find bottom in metals and energy



Dear Members,

Precious Metals, base metals, energy, grains and softs traded negative as predicted, don’t try to find bottom in commodities. Lumber collapsed from $648 to $533, cocoa, sugar, cotton, corn, soy, meal, wheat, orange Juice, oil, heating oil and RB Gas traded as predicted. Base metals started collapsing as predicted from this week Monday.

Every move in commodities was predicted by astro cycle was so accurate like we call oil to peak at $72.88 and gold at $1362, copper at $331 and palladium early this year at $1100.

Watch our lower side predicted level in gold and silver closely. Also, base metals are ready to collapse by 10 to 15%. Our view turned very bearish on gold after recommending strong sell at $1357 in the first week of May 2018. Now are we are entering in most crucial astro cycle era in which gold can go to any level so don’t try to find bottom.

From December 2017 to April our view was very bullish on gold and metals.

From last week astro cycle turned very negative for base metals which is very dangerous sign, don’t try to find bottom because fall could be 10 to 15% lower from last week Mondays high. Read our next week weekly newsletter or you can read our book “2018 Financial Predictions” carefully because we will write important note on metals, energy and other commodities.

Markets are in mix pattern so both side pattern as predicted, markets can struggle for the few weeks but you have to remember that overall medium and longer term cycle is very bullish for markets. Follow our book and newsletter carefully.

Dollar is still in demand as predicted but Friday is bet day to bet on emerging market currencies. In the month of February 2018, we called bottomed in US Dollar at 89.33 level with target on higher side 95.00 which got achieved in the last two weeks. Argentina Peso collapsed but it is about to bottom out so don’t miss this trade.

Also buy Brazilian Real, Mexican Peso, and Indian Rupee.  Rand will take another 12 days to bottom out. Euro and Dollar fight will be most interesting one, as predicted Euro tested 1.1555 level after strong short recommended at 1.2455 level in the first quarter. We have been recommending covering all shorts around 1.15555 level but higher side also we see very limited. Our longer target for Euro is 20% more down side and may break par value but for the short and medium term trading must follow weekly or daily letter or “2018 Financial Predictions” which has detail predictions on any currency excites. Most of you are aware that in the last twenty years so far most of longer term move we were able to predict very accurately in currency market.

Most important book I ever written - Also we just decided to announce big discount on “2018 Financial Predictions” book, it is half year over and many are requesting for discount so decided to offer great discount so buy it you haven’t bought. I 100% feel that every penny will be worth you spend on this book. I want everyone to read this book so if you feel that book is not worth it after buying and reading it, then we will give you same amount of any subscriptions of your desire. I highly recommend you must acquire this book, some error part we cleared.

·        Precious metals and base metals monthly outlook of 2018 – New price will be $99.00 from $199

·        Global currency monthly outlook of 2018 – New price will be $99.00 from $199

·        USA and detail Global stocks market with monthly cycle – New price will be $99.00 from $199

·        Oil and energy market monthly outlook of 2018 – New price will be $75.00 from $155

·        Crypto Currency market monthly outlook of 2018 – New price will be $55.00 from $99

·        Indian & Global market, metals, energy and Rupee monthly outlook of 2018 – New price will be $115.00 from $195

·        For complete “2018 Financial predictions” book - New price will be $195 from $395

I think this is the best I can do for you. Here you can acquire most detailed book ever written about what would happen in coming time in every market, commodities, and currencies:


This is small note what we stated in this week newsletter: Here is weekly newsletter from 11-15 June 2018:



Last week oil held $63.88 level, heading oil and RB Gas traded with oil. Natural gas moved remained in the both side trading pattern. Energy stocks or ERX gained some value due to positive trend in US market.

We still believe that oil may hold short term predicted support level of $63.88 as predicted two weeks back. Watch this level for the short-term trading strategy, buy some positions around this level and get out from the long around at $67.88 level because this would be short term astro resistance level.

Monday oil, and other energy products will try to hold value but from the late Tuesday onward we see mix trend to continue. On Wednesday as well mix trend to continue but Thursday and Friday oil prices will come down from the higher side levels. Heating oil and RB Gas will follow oil….

Monday astro combination recommendations for oil – Still selling is recommended on higher in oil, heating oil, and RB Gas. Gas will trade negative.



Last week was a positive astro week for precious and base metals. This week is starting with a negative trend so one can start selling gold and silver on any rise on Monday as weakness will dominate throughout this week. From Monday to Friday every rise should be taken as a selling opportunity.

One of our member sent us an email stating that the technical charts of gold and silver are showing strength. I have recommended buying gold since the end of last week of April, and we predicted ranges from $1300 to $1364 which proved very accurate.

From early May we recommended to staying on the sidelines from any buying and selling gold, and that advice also proved great because gold started trading lower since it achieved $1364. The short term astro indicators are not favoring gold and which we have experienced because gold is failing to even close above $1305 as predicted. Astro indicators are not very supportive for the short term.

Copper moved aggressively higher during last week, and the maximum higher side is $332 which we predicted earlier this year, and we still believe that $332 will be the top for copper. Palladium may top out at $1055 to $1088, these are selling levels in palladium.

Platinum and silver will follow gold. Silver won’t be able to move above $18.88, golds astro chart is the weakest among all the metals. Gold is falling to cross $1305 and we still believe that it won’t be able to close above $1305 for more than three days and down side $1282 to $1262 level is indicating. Silver and platinum will also follow gold.

Important note – If gold closes positive from Tuesday to Thursday then we may see gold holding $1282 and trading both sides, if not then gold can fall towards $1262 soon so stay away from any buying.

Monday’s astro combination recommendation Sell precious metals on higher side if you are holding any sell positions the hold it tightly, sell base metals from Monday as weaker astro cycle is staring from Monday and weakness will continue.

Final note: Every day traders and investors taking huge risk in trading and investment, but they don’t want to spend very small money on books or educational materials. Our book cost is less than $1.00 a day and subscriptions cost less than $18.00 day. It is worth spending this money. I leave decision on your whether to subscribe our services or not but surely it is worth trying even for a week.

Our new look of Website will come out soon. Watch lithium and Cannabis sector closely during this uncertain time. Emerging markets to 100% bottom out in the next two or three weeks.   

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma