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Today's Trade & News

This week from 9th Feb...

Dear Friends,
I cann't write here whole newsletter but I am giving you part of it here.
Last week, there was a lot of noise concerning the G7 meeting and its future view. Many people were very confused on the currencies and weak dollar and what the G7 were going to talk about. There was also a lot of uncertainty, on Friday when gold went down to $395, then bounced back to close at around $403. I hate noise or when people talk about one issue too much and discuss it for too long. This time, the noise was about the big G7. I was very sure that they would only pick a big mouse from the bag, and I think that this is exactly what happened.
The one thing that that I want to say here is that whenever nature is playing its role powerfully, nothing form the G7, Greenspan or even Bush can work if their comments are against nature. The power of the planets and nature is converted into waves which play with the human mind, because the mind is an independent entity. Since I am neither an economist nor a financial expert, I do not want to analyze the G7 meeting. This is what the whole world is doing, with the financial advisors, e.t.c conducting their analysis and presenting expert views. I just read the planets and their nature and try to understand their role. Let us see the role that the planets are going to play for this week:
Predictions for 9th to 13th February:
Last week, I mentioned that gold would only have a strong upward trend if it stayed above the $404 for 4 hours because the $404 figure is the gravity point or level. When you place a ball on flat surface, it stays there but rolls downhill if you place it on a sloping ground. If an external force pushes or hits the ball, it takes to the sky. We actually use the force of nature to enable us to fly; with fire/power from oil and air. We use the same theory and I am happy that god/nature has been gracious as the long term predictions have always come true in almost 99% of cases.
I hold the same predictions for this week. Please wait until gold reaches $404 and then you can buy or add positions. The one thing that I still hold is that there is not much downtrend from the current level and for the last 4 weeks when I gave the price of $392.
From today...........
Important Note:
This year 2004, I am more bullish on the gold stocks compared to the gold prices. This is especially after the middle of the year when the gold stocks will go crazy. I expect most of the stocks to easily give a 100% return this year.
What else do you want?
Those of you who have read my books and my website this year will notice that silver is my favourite metal for 2004. This week............... Let me give some very important advice: Do not go short on silver- speculators expect to go short especially on a sudden price rise.
To my members I will advice you very closely on silver because I do not know what price I can predict for the future, but I predict for $12 to $14. After this,  I do not know what the figures will be and whether they will have 2 or 3 digits.
Platinum and Palladium:
I still hold my price target of $900 soon in platinum. It will be very interesting to watch palladium and I am sure that the price will soon cross the $300 mark. My advice is to buy or hold but do not sell at this level.
Today morning after my meditation, I recalled 9th September 2001. My memory went back to this date because I said three things that day in TV interviews in the South African media. First, I said that this is the century for gold and that it will rise to $1600 in a few years time. The second important thing I mentioned was the terrorist attacks in which I said that tall buildings would collapse. The third issue was the collapse of the US dollar and that a great scandal of counterfeit US dollars would shake the world. I clearly said that many countries would decline to accept the physical note of the US dollar and that the world international trade would change from the US dollar to other different currencies. The TV host was watching me with consternation and with a surprised look asked me whether I was telling a story or the events would really happen in the world . I just smiled faintly and said that only time would be the answer. I stated that I was not claiming that the events would occur with a 100% accuracy, but I indicated my feeling was that they would come to pass. Within 48 hours, the attacks happened and the whole of the South African media was looking for me. The second thing that came true was on gold because from the day I made the prediction, gold started going up from a depressive trend. The third prediction was also partly true since the dollar went down against the major world currencies.
The only reason for telling you this is that I want you to understand what I feel concerning the long term term. Sometimes I may advise and you decide to do contrary to my recommendation. In the short term, it is difficult to keep the mind in control but if you know the long term picture, then one will never go wrong. Today I can proudly say that for the many years, none of my major clients has ever lost money for acting in accordance with my advice.
However, many key persons like the analysts, economists and chartists are still reluctant to believe in and act in line with astrology. Many others may be doing research and predicting with astrology but I can not say we predict the same things. We are all individuals with different thoughts and interpretations and our views may therefore vary.
For now, let us see how the currencies will perform this week:
We have reached a level where all the currencies are looking shaky because jupiter is diverting some of its power towards the metals. Before, jupiter was more negative against the dollar and in its role and jupiter now wants to hit the Euro and Pound. The metals will drastically gain against the Euro and the Pound. For this week.............
Stock Markets:
According to planetary positions, I recommend selling for we are sitting at a very dangerous level. We are sitting on a volcano and I can distinctly hear the rumbling of an eruption. All this while, many investors are having a party at the mountain top.
Oil and Gas:
This is the right time to buy oil and gas for this week because prices can move up 5 to 8 %.
World Events:
During the weekend from Thursday, I see instability in the political arenas of several countries between the 14th and 18th and there are indications of a natural disaster.
Whole newsletter I will put on my website on Thursday. Still I request this is right time to subscribe my newsletter because this whole year will be very interesting and I am sure you will recover your money in one deal. I am not feeling good when I am unable to share all key information with everybody. I hope you will understand me.
Thanks and God Bless