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Predictions 2001 Onwards

Missing 5 countries


In the ‘2003 World Prophesies, there was a printer’s error.  Five countries were omitted so I am just putting it here from my manuscript.  Thanks to one of the discussion forum member Mr. Jim.



In the year 2003, Iran will experience a combination of good and bad fortunes. I clearly see Iran being accused of holding nuclear and biological weapons, and also of terrorist activities.  As a result, the United States and Britain will heighten a campaign against Iran. At around the month of May there will be a big dispute between Iran and Britain/USA.


In Iran's chart, Saturn and Mars are beautifully placed, so definitely it will get support from the United Nations as well as many Islamic countries around the world. So, if any kind of attack does occur, then America and Britain will lose on humanitarian grounds.


Planetary positions also show that Iran will not be a threat to world peace in the year 2003 despite being in possession of biological and the nuclear weapons. Iran will be a big threat to the world peace after six years.


Politically, the country will be more stable.  Its current leader will gain more popularity and will command more support of his people.


After September 2003, land property will rise by 50 percent.  This will attract many investors.


At the end of year 2003, the local currency will register a marginal gain of 30 percent within a relatively very short period.


The year 2003 will bring some great news for Iranian women.   They will be accorded special status in the society.  This will be an eye opener in many Islamic countries and to their leaders.


The overall predictions for Iran is that a great future lies ahead for the country..





As I documented these predictions in September 2002, many were talking about the looming attack on Iraq by the United States.  I predicted this in the last edition of the book, in the war section and also the section on Iraq. Although the United States has been mounting pressure, an attack is yet to take place. 

 I see a war situation developing after 7th January to 27th March, 2003.  There is a very strong chance that the war will take place at around 13th of March 2003. We should therefore pray that war does not take place, because many innocent lives will be lost, and women, children and the elderly stand to suffer a lot. During war there will be big disaster at oil well or oil storage from bombs or fire in Iraq as well as few accidents, which will take place in oil storage in different parts of world. This will push oil prices very high in early 2003

  According to the planetary positions, I see a very good period for Iraq from July 2003.  This i.e. because there will be an increase in oil prices, the country will also be allowed by the United Nations and the international community to sell its oil freely in the international market. 

 After July 18, 2003, Saddam Hussein (if he survives until 2003, since his bad spell started in June 2002 to end in March 2003) will initiate very positive steps towards the achievement cycle of Iran.  Iraq's economy and business will thrive and the confidence of investors will be restored to invest in the country.  Jupiter indicates that Saddam Hussein will appoint relatively new people in his government which will be a clear indication that he is intending to hand over power.   I clearly see, after the last fifteen years, a great cycle starting for Iraq after July 2003, which will bring many new political, economic and international changes.


 Since I was in my 20s, I have always been concerned about peace in Israel. On many occasions I have predicted that no peace agreement will come between Israel and Palestine.

 My astrological indicators show that Israel and Palestine are placed in the most negative and weakened part of the Middle East. The longitudes and the latitudes traversing the place do not indicate any peace or harmony in the near future.  These people will be fighting continuously for no nothing.  Its very sad to see people fighting for God's creation which he freely gave to them, that is why we say Kalyuga - meaning full of ego, ugliness and greed.

 The period between 27th March and 17th July 2003 is good for the country. Israel should initiate peace agreements with the Palestinians, which will see some peace and stability. I am predicting the worst period after October 12, 2003 because Islamic countries will get together and attack Israel, which will result in a lot of bloodshed.  In the previous edition of the book, I requested world leaders to do something for the Middle East peace process - I am still appealing for the same.  The Middle East war will be the worst world war and set to pose a big threat to the world peace and the young generation, compared to the Al Qaeda-Taliban and Iraq-United States tension.

 In the coming future, Israel will have to give its land to Palestine,  but this will depend on how the period between March and July 2003 passes.  If Israel takes such action, then there will be a 60 percent relief in the crisis.



The stock market will be stable after 12th March. There will be a lot of business and investment opportunities, which will attract many investors. The country will also experience a relatively stable year politically.


My astrological indicators show that land property will experience a very smooth and a progressive year.  It will not support war in Iraq.







After the preceding thirteen years, Japan is entering into a great cycle from July 28, 2003.  The country's economy will experience a great boom, although that of the United States is plummeting. The Tokyo Stock Market index will touch new high. Investors should therefore keep abreast of this. The Japanese Stock Market will slowly move up, and the index will on the world's discussion level by July 28, 2003.


The Japanese Yen will become stronger against the US Dollar after February 2003 and by October 2003 it will touch 94 Yen against the Dollar.


The year 2003 will provide a great opportunity for investment in business in  Japan.


In the month of April 2003, new political changes will take place, but these will not have any negative impact on the country's economy.


Sometime back, I predicted the Kobe earthquake of 1992.  The year 2003  will see a similar smaller earthquake probably March.