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Predictions 2001 Onwards

2nd Half 2003


Dear Friends,                                                                                                     


First half of 2003 is over and we have entered in second half now. I would like you to know, what is hidden in the next five months in financial market, so here is brief predictions, few are already in my book and few of my clients have privilege to get them very beginning of the year.


This is what I see in the next six months in the Financial Markets.


Gold prices: I am still very confident and believe that Gold prices will go up to around $400 by year-end. Jupiter will make it happen because it is the father of gold. Gold stock will start rising from 27th July for rest of year.


Silver prices: Silver prices will touch $6 and I clearly see it going up to 7.95dollars in early of 2004. Moon rules silver and Moon is water so this will going to happen in very short span of time of 27 days after crossing $5.21. Silver investors will soon get jackpot and its stocks will be in bull-run.


Platinum: I see a great rise in the prices after 19th July 2003, there will be a one-side rise continues till December 2003 and my astrological price target is $900 for platinum.


Palladium:  As from 2nd August 2003, the prices will start rising and I clearly see that by the end of the year, it will have risen to 200%. Company like SWC $5.50 & Pal $3.80 should be on watch list. palladium currently trading around $160.


Asia Stock Market: As I have been predicting since early this year on Bullish Trend of Japanese Market, In the next 6months up ward trend will put 2 year high by the end of 2003, I will still recommend investment in the Japanese stock market.  The Hong Kong market will remain stable and the rise will be in 2004. Indian market will also remain on higher side but avoid Korean stock market for investment in this year. Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand will remain stable for next 6 months, no big gain there.


European Market: All European Stock Markets will remain stable, compared the first half. So, I cannot say that it will give gigantic gain in 2003.


USA Market: I have whispered many times, even in my books, that my predications and astrological preminations favor technology in 2003. So NASDAQ Market will remain strong and slowly move upward trade in second half of 2003. Many companies will turn around in technology sector. Rising of NASDAQ will be the supporting point for other stock market like Dow, S&P and many others. Currently Dow is at 9200 levels because of strong Nasdaq. Any bad news will bring drastic downfall in Dowjones Industrial average in the next year and it can go down to 6000 levels in 2004.




As I had predicted earlier, that June/July would not be a good month for Euro and currently we see that Euro has downstairs quickly from 1.20 to 1.13 against US Dollar.  From 22nd of July, Euro will start moving up and it will touch 1.28 against the dollar by the end of the year, so will the British pound, it will touch 1.78 against the dollar.  All the major currencies will gain against the US Dollar after July 2003 and Janpanes Yen can touch 94 against US$, so for the rest of the year I do not see a good period for the US Dollar, Which I had already predicted in 2001.


Sugar: For the last one-month, sugar prices are moving up and that is what I had previously mentioned. I see for next 6months it will remain strong and will gain more than 22%.


Coffee: Prices will have major upward trade in after 16th July and it will rise continuously for the next 4months.



Cotton: In the months of July/August/September, there are indications of very strong uprising prices movements in cotton; they can rise to 30% during the period.



Oil prices:  Mars, will force investors to enter in oil markets, I clearly see that major bull-run will start in the oil prices after down ward trend for three months in 2003, the price may touch 10 years high in 2004 or 2005.


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

9th July 2003