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Predictions 2001 Onwards

Book Predictions

Dear Friends,

Writing the books and writing the news is completely different thing. Take a example of last four books which provided most unique predications well in advance on financial market as well as on world issues. "2008/09 World and financial prophecies - Trading dates" is ready to come out. Before I start talking about 2008/9 prophecies, I would like a put brief here from my last four book and you can see they helped readers. If you believe that, these books were unique and I am surely 2008/9 will provide insight of world financial and international issue which no one has ever tried to predict. I am sure new prediction will provide you some directions than.

I have done my best to put predictions on all major 65 countries, details trend of world financial markets (metals, energy, currencies, soft, grains and indexes), all major continent, religion and important events which can bring huge impact on people’s life.

In last four books I talked about and many prediction came true, even I get astonish when I read my old book again and I can't believe that how I mentioned those prophecies. Thanks to nature and planets for guiding me.

"2002, 2002 Updated editions, 2003 and 2004 world & financial prophecies":



Interest Rates

There will be an increase in interest rates in the USA any time from March; although the astrological calculations indicate that this should not be done.


The rise of gold and other metal prices will alert stock market investors to divert their money from the stock market to the metal stocks because they will be the best performing and have good returns.

Trade Deficit

Trade deficit in the USA will reach historic highs and this will not only scare Americans themselves, but also other economically affiliated countries.

The US trade deficit will be widely discussed around the globe. I advice the Greenspan team to seriously work on this, otherwise I see a big blow coming his way in 2004.


Early poll indicators will not be able to clearly state the party that is going to win the presidential election. As a result there will be confusion among investors as to whether their financial status will lie in the hands of the Democrats or Republicans.

US Dollar

Those who closely monitor my predictions since the last three years are aware that I am bearish on the US Dollar’s constant drop and this trend will continue in 2004.As a result, international investors and fund managers will be compelled to remove their investments from the US market and the US Dollar and look into other markets and currencies.                                              From “2004 World & Financial Prophecies”



Those who closely follow my work and have read my previous books must have noticed that my predictions favour gold. I had predicted that gold prices would hit rock bottom on 27 November 2001, which was a great call from me. Sometimes, the planets just come and talk to you and your prediction is fulfilled with perfect precision.  Since that time, I have been predicting on gold. A lot of people wonder why I dedicate so much time and effort to speak or write about gold. My simple answer is that I have a relationship with gold that is so close that it fully charges me with energy.

Let me give an example here; if you have my last book, please read page 42. When gold was trading at US $315 an ounce in October 2002, I said that prices would reach US $350 an ounce on the day I launched my book, 2003 World Prophecies. In the first week of December, gold was trading at around US $310. I received many e-mails saying that I had taken a big risk by declaring that gold would be trading at US $350 on the day of my book’s launch. My reply was that I never took risks. Furthermore, my prediction did not constitute a risk since I just stated what was revealed in my astrological calculations. On the day of my book’s launch (19 December 2002), I gave an interview in Johannesburg, South Africa. During one of the breaks, I learnt that gold had crossed the US $350 mark just as I had predicted. I was so overwhelmed by emotion that I only closed my eyes and thanked God. This is how intimate my relationship with gold is.

In the last three years, I have written in hundreds of places and spoken about gold on several media. The reason why I attach a lot of importance to the subject is that gold will rule this century. Many investors, firms and institutions are still not very confident about gold continually rising any further. I cannot entirely blame them because in the last century, gold underwent major fluctuations and there was no stable increase in prices. This is all true, but I look at the situation from a different angle: as a commodity, gold has been constant but fluctuations of currency were the real barrier to its growth. Currencies were gaining against gold but this century, the situation will be completely different. All the major currencies will lose value against gold and solid Jupiter.

People will soon realise and understand differences in the value of paper and metal. Whereas paper is destroyed when you burn it, gold only becomes more pure. You may mould or transform it into various forms but it still remains gold. In contrast, burning of paper currency renders it valueless because it turns into ashes and ceases to exist as money. This century, the situation will be different and investors, banks, trading houses and governments will turn to more realistic and physical things. There will be a shift towards the old trend of two or three centuries ago when money was in the form of gold and silver coins. The old days of reliance and trust in metals are coming back. There has been a marked interest in gold, a fact that I predicted by saying that:

In the year 2003, billions of dollars from the world stock market will be diverted to the gold market. I clearly see key institutions, firms and investors removing their money from other sectors to the gold market.

2003 World Prophecies, page 42.

I do not write with a view to making you agree with me. I shall soon be proven right that gold is the right investment. When I told people to invest in gold in 2001, no one agreed with me. In the following year, a few agreed but with a lot of doubts. In 2003, they realised their mistake but were still not ready to invest because the price was high and they were waiting for it to drop. Sometimes I smile and even laugh at the irony of the situation and wish they could have seen what I saw in order to take my advice seriously.

Once again, I am sure that come December 2003 at the launch of this book, gold will be trading above US $404 an ounce. This will be a significant improvement from the current gold trading price, which is below US $380. In the whole of 2004 gold will trade above US $400. It will trade below US $400 on two occasions in the year but only for few days but it will quickly bounce back. 2002/3 was the foundation period when for almost two years, gold traded at above US $300. The gold trading range in the year 2004 will be US $400 to US $525. If it crosses US $525 and stays above it for seven days, then I predict a major bull-run in gold prices that will reach US $580. 


From January until mid-February, Silver prices will be on an upward trend. This will be near the US $6 mark because I expect silver prices to hit US $5.45 towards the end of 2003. If it remains at around the US $5.45 level, silver will rise strongly in the year 2004.

The reason why I have not given price indications for silver is that as predicted earlier, prices will be US $14 if silver crosses the US $7.95 mark and trades above it for 21 days.                                            From “2004 World & Financial Prophecies”

Predicted rise for all other metals during 2004.


Oil is a very important resource in the running of world affairs and for our day to day business. It is used in generating energy and thousands of by-products are derived from it. Many Islamic countries have huge reserves of this product, and this is why I have said that they will thrive and prosper because of oil. Oil and gold ought to be the two key areas in which long term investors should focus on in this century. In 2004, I expect oil prices to reach US $50 per barrel and up to US $100 per barrel within the next 30 months. The following twelve and a half years will witness a continuous rise of oil prices because of planet Saturn.

                                                              From “2004 World & Financial Prophecies”

The time I published this book oil was at $35. In same sections of commodities I mentioned rise of coffee, sugar, bean, corn and other commodities bull market.


Those who closely follow my predictions are aware that from 9 September 2001, I recommended that investors get away from the US Dollar and switch to other currencies like the Euro, Swiss Franc, Pound, Yen, Australian Dollar, Canadian Dollar, South African Rand and the New Zealand Dollar. I recommended that people hold these currencies against the US Dollar and even gave approximate price indications. Those projections were fulfilled exactly with a100% accuracy. My words were as follows:

In the month of June, the Dollar will drop against the Euro and will record a new low. The dollar’s weakness will remain until the end of year 2003…the US Dollar will touch 1.24 against the Euro.

2003 World Prophecies, page 40.

I am predicting a similar trend for the year 2004. The US Dollar will be weakening and it will lose value against other major world currencies. In early 2004, the US Dollar will make an attempt to rise and for a few weeks, it will gain. Overall, the US Dollar will be in a decline mode, touching the 1.36 mark against the Euro in 2004.


Planet Mars is behind the rise of the Euro and since the end of 2001, it has been my favourite currency. Last year, I warned that investors…

Avoid Euro trading in June and July because only those who are lucky will gain.

2003 World Prophecies, page 41.

The Euro will remain very strong for the whole of the year 2004. After March, the Euro will trade above 1.20, like in 2003 when it did not go below 1.0. It will be resilient against the US Dollar and surprisingly, the Euro will be very strong against the British Pound and other major currencies like the South African Rand, the Canadian Dollar and the Swiss Franc.

In the course of the year, a fight will occur between the Euro and the Japanese Yen. It will be interesting to watch this. (For updated predictions between the two giant currencies please continue visiting my website.)


My prediction last year was that:

In the whole of year 2003, the British pound will remain strong and stable.

2003 World Prophecies, page 40.

The rise of the British Pound will be slow in the year 2004 when compared to the Euro. On only a few occasions during the whole year will the Pound rise against the Euro. The British Pound will continue maintaining its strength against the US Dollar as well as many other currencies. However, in the long run the British Pound will lose its charm against the Euro.


In the year 2002, I predicted that the Yen would make strong gains against the US Dollar and that the price could go 100 by the end of the year 2004. At the time of writing, when the Yen was trading at around 132, I was still hopeful that the Yen would touch the 100 mark or below in the remaining eight weeks of the year 2003.

I was very surprised when planetary combinations suggested that the Yen would beat the Euro in the year 2004 from the current level of 129. I am still working on this intriguing possibility and shall give a final answer concerning it around 15 February 2004.


The Canadian Dollar will only manage to make gains against the US Dollar, remaining weak against other currencies. Those trading with cross deals can make good money on the weak Canadian Dollar against the Euro, the Yen, the Swiss Franc and the Australian Dollar.


I have spoken concerning this currency on only a few occasions. In the year 2002, I predicted the rise of the Australian Dollar against major world currencies. This surprised many people because in terms of percentage, it made very significant gains against the US Dollar.

In the year 2004, the Australian Dollar will ride high and touch 0.78 against the US Dollar. At this level, one may sell for a short period.


This currency will be stable in the year 2004. I do not see a major rise of other currencies against it. For the first half of the year, you may keep the New Zealand Dollar in selling position against other currencies.

After June the New Zealand Dollar will rise for two months, and then drop later on.


The Swiss Franc will remain very strong and maintain an upward trend for the whole of the year, except for the first three months. In the long run, I can see it reaching the 1:1 mark against the US Dollar.

This is another currency that will fight against the Euro and the Yen. I shall be closely monitoring the Swiss Franc on the astrological charts.


At the time of writing this book, the Rand was trading at around 6.90 against the US Dollar. The Rand would get stronger because the Dollar was getting weaker against all other major currencies. In the few months remaining to end the year 2003, the Rand would gain against the Dollar up to 6.51. If it breaks this level three times, I recommend closure of all short positions in Rand because it will go up to 5.50 before 15 February 2004.


Throughout the year 2004, the Indian Rupee will remain stable against the US Dollar but will make losses against the Euro and the British Pound.


The currency returned gains in the year 2003. The Real will make more gains against major currencies the whole of the year 2004. You should buy and keep this currency and my advice to Brazilians is that they should not keep their money in US Dollars. They should retain it in their home currency.


The Argentinean currency will gain against the US Dollar. However, it will not gain against other major world currencies including the Brazilian Paro.


The Indonesian Rupiah will not move much in the year 2004. In the months of May and September 2004, it will try to gain against many currencies but it will fail.


In early January 2004 the Rouble will make huge gains against the US Dollar as well as many other world currencies. Those who are contemplating trading with Russia in future should be watchful. Russian investors will also be wise to take the strong Rouble into account.

No body thought that time that dollar will go that low, these predicition are from Currency section of my last book                       “2004 World & Financial prophecies”

On Afghanistan from the first book

This is the country with the most uncertain astrological combinations. In early 2001, I warned the world of the danger posed by major terrorist groups and well known terrorists gathering in Afghanistan. They established their bases and camps in the rugged terrain of this country and from there they were able launch attacks on various targets around the world. This is despite the fact that the country lacks the technological and infrastructural capacity.  Six months after my predictions, the world was shaken by the terrorist attacks in the USA including the Twin Towers attacks that claimed many innocent lives.


The Canadian Dollar will remain stable against rising currencies like the Euro, the Pound and the Yen. It will continually gain throughout the year 2004 against the US Dollar. 

Land and property prices will rise by more than 30% in important cities like Toronto and Vancouver.  

Canada will also benefit from high oil and metal prices. All in all, I see a great year for Canada economically, socially, politically, as well as on the international front.           

                                                         Predicted “2004 world & Financial Prophecies”


I see it commencing soon after 4 September 2004, which is also my birthday. India will enter into a great 26 year and 7 month achievement circle.

Year 2004 is election time in the country. Planetary movements and positioning indicate a clear majority in parliament by the Congress Party or the BJP. The elections will be smooth because, compared to the previous elections, there will be no violence. The current opposition party under Sonia Gandhi will gain 27% more seats in parliament. The ruling party, BJP or NDA will not be able to remain intact in the following elections. According to Saturn, a new person in the country will become Prime Minister after August 2004.        Predicted “2004 world & Financial Prophecies”


I see a war situation developing after 7 January to 27 March 2003. There is a very strong chance that the war will take place at around 13 March 2003. We should therefore pray that war does not take place, because many innocent lives will be lost and women, children and the elderly stand to suffer a lot.

Amazingly, I even gave the specific date for the attack on Iraq if the US was to succeed in its quest when I predicted that:

If the USA does not succeed in their bid to oust Saddam before March 20, 2003, then no powerful will ever succeed in doing so.

2003 World Prophecies, page 63.

The USA attacked on 19 March and so succeeded in removing Saddam from power.


Problem of Iran will remain as a main concern but I don’t see war. In 2004 book


After the preceding thirteen years, Japan is entering into a great cycle from July 28, 2003. The country’s economy will experience a great boom…The Japanese stock market will slowly move up, and the index will be on the world’s discussion level by July 28, 2003.

The Japanese Yen will become stronger against the US Dollar after February 2003 and by October 2003 it will touch 94 Yen against the Dollar.

“2004 World & Financial Prophecies”

The great news for Libya continues because the entire international community including the IMF, World Bank, UN and various key countries will support and approach it positively. I am expecting great strides to take place in the economy as well as in the country’s politics. From now on, Libya and its leader will establish cordial ties with the international community and her relationship with the western world will improve.                                           2004 World & Financial Prophecies


The GDP will grow and there will be new developments in each sector. As I mentioned earlier in this section, there will be an investment influx in the construction, mining and banking sectors.

Land and property prices will increase by more than 30% in 2004 and for that reason, those of you who are waiting to purchase a house or property should not delay; just make the relevant decisions after reading this book.

Other sectors that are also going to perform very well include the food industry, technology and tourism sectors.                           2004 World & Financial Prophecies

I vividly remember my first TV interview on 9 September 2001 when I gave two important predictions: one was that of extensive terrorist attacks on the USA and the second major prediction was that gold prices would rise from 27 November 2001 and gold would rule this century. During that time the gold market was in depression and I still remember that on the day of my interview, it was trading around US $255.

Two days following my interview, the terrorist attacks occurred in the USA and the gold prices started rising from 27th November, an ascent that is still continuing up to this day.

“the South African currency (Rand) will remain stable most of the year 2003, but will rise drastically after the month of September 2003. It will become stronger and stronger to the surprise of the whole world. My prediction will be proven right next time to those who are doubtful”

2003 World Prophecies, page 144.


The chart has all positive combinations as well as current planetary positions favouring this country. In the previous book, I said that the USA and Iraq conflict would not have a negative impact on UAE. The UAE will not be involved in any way.

UAE will not take part in the Middle East crisis. They will stay reserved and focus on their economic growth and future development. I praise the government on the manner in which they are running the country. They are on the right path and I do not see problems for the UAE in the next 20 years.

Astrological calculations indicate record high oil prices in 2004, much to the benefit of the UAE.

A continuous inflow of people, investment and a rise in new developments will occur. In the future I see Dubai being among the world’s high-tech cities, better than London, New York and Hong Kong. The government will bring about a lot of new plans and programmes.

One interesting point is that because of the Sun, the government will take very important decisions and policies as well as introduce watchdogs aimed at countering the mafia or any terrorist groups in the country. In fact, this new policy will help catch these organisations and destroy them. In my previous book I also mentioned that Muslim countries or people next to the sea or water will be lucky and will enjoy prosperity because Muslims pray to the sign of the moon, which is 100% related to water. I also said that Muslims will not be successful in cold places where there is ice for instance Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Albania and so on. For the Muslims, water is a sign of luck and that is why Dubai is flourishing.

                                                      From book “2004 World & Financial Prophecies”


The following is an extract from my previous book, where I predicted that:

…the land and property prices will boom especially in London. I hence recommend to real estate traders and investors to take advantage of this.

The stock market will stabilise and investors will get more than 50% returns especially in the banking and construction sectors, as well as metal industries. Many telecommunications and technology companies will realise an upward trend from 200 to 300%. In general, I would say that the business environment would be on the positive side.

The Euro will cross the par limit and move up to 1.24 against the US Dollar. The Sterling Pound will also become stronger but not as the Euro. The whole year, the Pound will trade above 1.50 and at one time will reach 1.82 against the US Dollar, and eventually become as strong as the Euro.

The relationship between the USA and the UK will remain very stable.  Without Britain, the USA will not be able to take any important decisions. This will demonstrate the strong position of the UK in the world.

The UK will make a wrong move if it takes action on IRAQ.

I hardly foresee anything negative for the UK. It will have a smooth, prosperous and happy environment.

2003 World Prophecies page, 131-132.


An unfortunate event will occur in the form of a natural disaster where water will disturb people’s lives.

Bad news is indicated in the weather, where a natural disaster involving water will disrupt peoples’ lives.                     Predicted in “2004 World & Financial Prophecies”


The US Dollar will remain weak throughout the year though there will be a few price fluctuations. The Dollar will remain weak until 2007 and I recommend that investors hold their money in gold or other currencies (please refer to the financial section).

Greenspan and his team will surprise everybody by increasing the interest rates any time around March 2004 or afterwards.

In all my books I have mentioned that if the USA wants to maintain its economic supremacy, then it should control oil and gold. The United States has attempted to gain control of oil resources through the conflict with Iraq. However, just by looking at the way oil prices are moving, anyone can see that all is not well.

A hurricane will once again hit the USA in the east coast area around August. The hurricane will result in heavy damage and the people in the affected area should therefore brace themselves.

                                                    Predicted in “2004 World & Financial Prophecies”